Welcome to Wisker's web page, the home of Pop the Wheezil™!

This exciting, brand new shareware game for Macs is being brought to you by Ground Zero Software. We are proud to be the publishers of this energetic and stimulating game that's sure to be loved by the entire family. Pop the Wheezil™ has a wealth of features to make it a top-notch game, including great graphics and music as well as superb effects to make for fun and exciting action. The game is designed to be versatile, so you can play by yourself, play against Wisker or even play with a friend or family member.

The object is to rack up as many points and complete as many levels as you can. It will require lightning-fast reflexes and quick thinking to achieve your goal! You must align different colored balloons in rows and columns as they float to the top. Your balloons will pop and disappear when four of the same color are together. You'll also find lots of goodies and surprises in each level! Complete each level by getting the Wheezil balloon to the top, popularly known as popping the Wheezil.


Pop the Wheezil™ is Mac OS X native and also plays great on Mac OS 8.6 - Mac OS 9.x with Apple's CarbonLib.

If you try the game and enjoy it, please don't forget to register and support further shareware development and more great games!

The latest version of Pop the Wheezil™ is version 1.0.3 (released 16 August, 2004) and it contains the following changes:

- Fixed a bug in the registration code.
- Improved on the "Challenge" game play.

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Are you a shareware author? Please consider letting us publish your game.

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Copyright ©2003-04 Ground Zero Software, Inc. and Justin Van Eaton